Kathy Hankins
Department President -

Kathy Hankins was installed the VFW Auxiliary Department of Indiana President at the VFW Auxiliary Convention on June 15, 2024

Kathy joined the VFW Auxiliary under the eligibility of her husband, Jimmie in 2007.  She is a life member of Auxiliary 1108 in Richmond, Indiana.  She has served the Auxiliary as President of 1108 for two terms and is a past Trustee for District 10. 

Kathy is served 4 years as District 10 President.  In the 2018-2019 year, she cheered on the Auxiliaries in her District to reach the goal of 100% in membership for District 10. 


She worked for the State of Indiana and retired from that position.  She has two sons, one lives in Richmond working for the school system, and another in Arkansas who works for Dell.